NFDB Agency Polygon Data Update Log: Refer to metadata for more complete information - July 2021 NFDB_poly_20210707 version released This version includes the following agency updates: BC: - BC fire data updates downloaded from DataBC website; - This version of NFDB poly includes BC polys for 1917-2020; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Note that all years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 2002 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1950-2002 include fires > 10 ha; - The BC fire perimeter data is published by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - BC Wildfire Service Licensed under Open Government License - British Columbia -- AB: - AB fire data updates downloaded from Alberta Wildfire website - This version of NFDB poly includes AB polys for 1931-2020; - Missing years: 1937; - 2020 updates added in this update. - Note that most years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 1997 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1950-1997 include fires > 10 ha; Most years < 1950 include fires > 100 ha. SK: - SK fire data updates provided by agency; - This version of NFDB poly includes SK polys for 1945-2020; - Missing years: 1951, 1954, 1965; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Note that most years > 1995 include fires > 50 ha; Most years < 1996 include large fires only (> 200 ha); Most years < 1980 include large fires > 1000 ha. MB: - MB fire data updates provided by agency; - This version of NFDB poly includes MB polys for 1928-2020; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Note that most years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 1997 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1981-1997 include large fires only (>200 ha); Most years 1928-1980 include fires > 40 ha. - Note: missing attributes (i.e. fireid, rep_date etc) for several years (1998-2003; and years < 1980) polys for small fires < 150ha missing for several years between 1980-1997; ON: - ON fire data updates downloaded from Ontario LIO website - This version of NFDB poly includes ON polys for 1963-2020; - Missing years: 1959-1962, 1967, 1985; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Note that ON fire polygons include fires only greater than 40 hectares; Years > 1997 include fires > 40 ha; Years 1963-1997 include large fires only (> 200 ha); - Note that the Ontario fire data has been produced by Natural Resources Canada under Licence with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2021. QC: - QC fire data updates downloaded from - This version of NFDB poly includes QC polys for 1972-2020; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Note that years > 1993 include fires > 10 ha; Years 1973-1993 include fires > 100 ha; - The Quebec open data licence agreement is available here NS: - NS fire data updates provided by agency; - This version of NFDB poly includes NS polys for 1976-2020; - 2020 updates added in this update; - Missing years: 1959-1975, 1977-1979, 1981-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1989, 1993-1996, 2002, 2005, 2010; - Note that years > 2010 include fires > 0.1 ha; Years 1976-2010 vary in what data is included. NB: - No polygon data updates provided by NB for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NB polys for 1980-2013; - Missing years: 1959-1979, 1989, 1994-1995, 1997-2006, 2008, 2011-2012, 2014-2020; - Note that years > 1997 are mostly unavailable; Years < 1996 includes mostly small number of large fires. NL: - No polygon data updates provided by NL for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NL polys for 1980-2016; - Missing years; 1959-1979, 2008, 2015, 2017-2020; - Note that most years include large fires only (> 200 ha) PEI: - There are no fire polygon data for PEI in the NFDB YT: - YT fire data updates provided by agency for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes YT polys for 1946-2020; - 2020 updates added in this update - Missing years: 1964, 1970; - Note that most years > 1997 include small fires (< 100 ha); Most years 1946-1996 include fires > 100 ha. NT: - NWT fire data updates provided by agency for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NWT polys for 1965-2020; - Fire polygon updates were made available for years 1986-2020 in this update; - Note that all years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 2001 include fires > 0.1 ha; PC: - No fire data updates were provided by Parks Canada for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes Parks polys for 1923-2015, *************************************************************************************************** October 5th, 2020 NFDB_poly_20201005 version update released This version includes modification to the QC data only. QC data for years <2003 have been reverted back to the NFDB version released in 2019 as there were missing fires identified in the source data updates added in the 20200811 release. All other data remains unchanged from previous verions (20200811) Aug 11th, 2020 NFDB_poly_20200811 version update released This version includes the 2019 fires added to NS data: NS: - This version of NFDB poly includes NS polys for 1976-2019; - Missing years: 1959-1975, 1977-1979, 1981-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1989, 1993-1996, 2002, 2005, 2010; - Note that years > 2010 include fires > 0.1 ha; Years 1976-2010 vary in what data is included. July 11th, 2020 NFDB_poly_20200711 version released This version includes the following agency updates: BC: - BC fire data updates downloaded from DataBC website; - This version of NFDB poly includes BC polys for 1917-2019; - 2019 updates added in this update; - Note that all years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 2002 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1950-2002 include fires > 10 ha; - The BC fire perimeter data is published by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - BC Wildfire Service Licensed under Open Government License - British Columbia -- AB: - AB fire data updates downloaded from Alberta Wildfire website - This version of NFDB poly includes AB polys for 1931-2019; - Missing years: 1937; - 2018 and 2019 updates added in this update. - Note that most years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 1997 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1950-1997 include fires > 10 ha; Most years < 1950 include fires > 100 ha. SK: - SK fire data updates provided by agency; - This version of NFDB poly includes SK polys for 1945-2019; - Missing years: 1951, 1954, 1965; - 2019 updates added in this update; - Note that most years > 1995 include fires > 50 ha; Most years < 1996 include large fires only (> 200 ha); Most years < 1980 include large fires > 1000 ha. MB: - MB fire data updates provided by agency; - This version of NFDB poly includes MB polys for 1928-2019; - 2019 updates added in this update; - Note that most years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 1997 include fires > 0.1 ha; Most years 1981-1997 include large fires only (>200 ha); Most years 1928-1980 include fires > 40 ha. - Note: missing attributes (i.e. fireid, rep_date etc) for several years (1998-2003; and years < 1980) polys for small fires < 150ha missing for several years between 1980-1997; ON: - ON fire data updates downloaded from Ontario LIO website - This version of NFDB poly includes ON polys for 1963-2019; - Missing years: 1959-1962, 1967, 1985; - 2019 updates added in this update; - Note that ON fire polygons include fires only greater than 40 hectares; Years > 1997 include fires > 40 ha; Years 1963-1997 include large fires only (> 200 ha); - Note that the Ontario fire data has been produced by Natural Resources Canada under Licence with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2019. QC: - QC fire data updates downloaded from - This version of NFDB poly includes QC polys for 1972-2019; - All historical fire records updated in this version; - Note that years > 1993 include fires > 10 ha; Years 1973-1993 include fires > 100 ha; - The Quebec open data licence agreement is available here NS: - No polygon data updates provided by NS for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NS polys for 1976-2018; - Missing years: 1959-1975, 1977-1979, 1981-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1989, 1993-1996, 2002, 2005, 2010, 2019; - Note that years > 2010 include fires > 0.1 ha; Years 1976-2010 vary in what data is included. NB: - No polygon data updates provided by NB for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NB polys for 1980-2013; - Missing years: 1959-1979, 1989, 1994-1995, 1997-2006, 2008, 2011-2012, 2014-2019; - Note that years > 1997 are mostly unavailable; Years < 1996 includes mostly small number of large fires. NL: - No polygon data updates provided by NL for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NL polys for 1980-2016; - Missing years; 1959-1979, 2008, 2015, 2017-2019; - Note that most years include large fires only (> 200 ha) PEI: - There is no data for PEI in the NFDB YT: - YT fire data updates provided by agency for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes YT polys for 1946-2019; - Missing years: 1964, 1970; - 2019 updates added in this update - Note that most years > 1997 include small fires (< 100 ha); Most years 1946-1996 include fires > 100 ha. NT: - NWT fire data updates provided by agency for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes NWT polys for 1965-2019; - 2019 updates added in this update; - Note that all years include small fires (< 200 ha); Most years > 2001 include fires > 0.1 ha; PC: - No fire data updates were provided by Parks Canada for this version release; - This version of NFDB poly includes Parks polys for 1923-2015, June 7th, 2019 NFDB_poly_20190607 version released This version includes the following agency updates: BC: - BC fire data updates downloaded from DataBC website; - 2018 BC fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes BC fire polygon data for years 1917-2018; - The BC fire perimeter data is published by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - BC Wildfire Service Licensed under Open Government License - British Columbia - AB: - AB fire polygon data updates downloaded from Alberta Wildfire website - 2018 AB fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes AB fire polygon data for years 1931-2018; SK: - SK fire data updates provided by agency; - 2018 SK fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes SK fire polygon data for years 1945-2018; MB: - MB fire data updates obtained from Manitoba Conservation Fire Program; - 2018 MB fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes MB fire polygon data for years 1928-2018; - Note: missing attributes for several years (i.e. years <1980 & 1998-2003), and polys for small fires (< 150ha) missing for several years between 1980-1997; ON: - ON fire data updates downloaded from Ontario LIO website; - 2018 ON fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes ON fire polygon data for years 1963-2018; - Note that ON fire polygons include fires only greater than 40 hectares; - Note that the Ontario fire data has been produced by Natural Resources Canada under Licence with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2019. QC: - QC fire data updates downloaded from - 2018 QC fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes QC fire polygon data for years 1973-2018; - The Quebec open data licence agreement is available here NS: - NS fire data updates provided by agency; - 2018 NS fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes NS fire polygon data for years 1976-2018; NB: - No polygon data updates available for NB for this NFDB poly version update; - This version includes NB fire polygon data for years 1980-2013; NL: - No polygon data updates available for NL for this NFDB poly version update; - This version includes NL fire polygon data for years 1980-2016; PEI - Data collected from agency and is being assessed before being included. YT: - YT fire data updates downloaded from Yukon Wildland Fire Management website - 2018 YT fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes YT fire polygon data for years 1946-2018; NT: - NWT fire data updates provided by agency; - 2018 NT fire polygon data updates were added to this version; - This version includes NT fire polygon data for years 1965-2018; PC: - No polygon data updates available for PC for this NFDB poly version update; - This version includes PC fire polygon data for years 1923-2015; - For fire polygons within parks refer to the National Burned Area Composite - GENERAL_VERSION_NOTES: * Refer to Metadata for more detailed information -